Obec Hlboké nad Váhom
Hlboké nad Váhom

Obec Hlboké nad Váhom

The village of Vahom deep was formed in the northern part of the land area of the original hornbeam end XIII. at the turn of the century to XIV. Century; the village is mentioned in the Charter of 9 September 1347. It belonged to the family branched Hrabovskovcov. Later he gets to other families. Hrabovskovci daughters share in the assets (ie. Girls' quarters), vydeľovali his son-mostly in the confines of Lower deeply. Since 1347, the co-owner in Lower Hlboke law, girls' quarters and advances given to property: Nicholas, son of Lawrence and Simon Lawrence, sons Andrew of St. John.


Current weather

today, Tuesday 17. 9. 2024
scattered clouds 17 °C 10 °C
Wednesday 18. 9. sky is clear 23/10 °C
Thursday 19. 9. sky is clear 22/10 °C
Friday 20. 9. sky is clear 23/9 °C